Xenogenesis has been performing RADAR imaging for over 800 companies since 2002 and they all have the same thing in common. Every company requests an insurance certificate to insure that in the case of an accident they are not liable for any costs associated with the accident. What the firms requesting these certificates do not realize is that with RADAR firms the general liability insurance they request does not cover any damage that occurs. Let me repeat that if damage occurs from a RADAR scan that is done improperly the RADAR firm and the companies using the RADAR firm are not covered because general liability is the wrong type of insurance to have. I'll be the first to admit that I did not know this until I had a lengthy conversation with the insurance company regarding RADAR imaging. At the end of the conversation I was informed that what RADAR imaging does is provide an opinion of what the RADAR equipment is telling the technician. This is similar to an Engineer or Surveyor. Would your firm have a structural engineer design a building if they knew he was not covered when there is a flaw in his design? Because after all he is giving you his opinion and his opinion is not covered by typical liability. The engineers opinion is covered by insurance known as "errors and omissions" . This insurance covers him in case he overlooks something or calculates something wrong which has the potential to cause more damage than a firm can sustain to stay in business. Although RADAR scanning may not cause as much damage as an engineering flaw it still has the potential to lead up to catastrophic damage amounts.
Most companies that place holes in buildings are aware that occasionally conduits and tension cables are hit even when every precaution is taken. I'll admit that Xenogenesis has been responsible for a few due to equipment problems or technician error. It is only human to make mistakes. Xenogenesis strives to always take steps to check and double check but mishaps do sometimes occur and Xenogenesis has always stood behind it's work and has tried to learn from these mishaps so they may not occur in the future. Any firm that tells you that they have never had anyone hit something is either very new or lying to you. Typically when an item is damaged due to mismarking or technician error Xenogenesis will investigate and if it is a result of our service we will cover the cost of the repair. We have never had to get the insurance company involved in any project we have been on since our inception because we take every precaution we can to ensure successful cores. Also, we have never ran from a problem and disappeared when an irate customer asks who is going to cover it. I personally know of three firms that came and went for that very reason. The easy fix for this problem is to require "errors and omissions" insurance on every project. The RADAR firms should always have this insurance in place anyway because it is common sense for them to be covered, but all they see is an extra cost that they find is unnecessary because they can always disappear when a mishap occurs. Xenogenesis is the only firm I'm aware of that carries this coverage at the current time. We would suggest that your firm just look at the RADAR imaging companies insurance certificate and verifying that they have the coverage.
Coring companies are not required to have anything other than general liability because they are not responsible for anything they hit. They core where the client tells them too. It becomes a completely different story when the coring company becomes your RADAR scanning company. It is at that point they are taking responsibility for locating the hole for the client. As soon as they start locating holes their general liability insurance is useless when damage occurs. They can bypass this coverage with their insurance company because the insurance company never asks them what other business do they do in addition to coring. Why would they? They advertise as coring companies so they are treated like coring companies because the insurance companies don't look until it is too late.
Regardless of whom your firm uses to perform RADAR scans please make sure that they are covered by "errors and Omissions" insurance to ensure that your firm is protected if they make a mistake with their scans.